❤️ Hundreds of happy graduates, be one of them!
Hypnosis / hypnotherapy
Medical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy and Analysis
& Life beyond Lives Regression Certification Programs

Become a certified Hypnotherapist
Reap the benefits of this lucrative, rapidly growing industry by advancing your career with our extensive hypnotherapy training!

Hypnotherapy is a profession in demand, and a powerful alternative, holistic therapy that is quickly becoming recognized as one as the most effective therapies available.

World-class hypnotherapy training in-person or live-online, with dozens of case studies and hypnotherapy sessions with clients, both live and pre-recorded, and over 100 hours of teaching and practice.
As a certified hypnotherapist, in every hypnotherapy session you get to help people achieve extraordinary breakthroughs, bring up new revelations and provide a lot of healing to the areas of their life where it is needed.
graduate testimonials

The schedule for 2024 is:
For full hypnotherapy certification training students receive:

- 100 hours training (in person and live -online)
- access to the online pre-recorded module
- 3 hypnotherapy manuals
- hypnosis/ hypnotherapy scripts
- 12 months membership with the National Guild of Hypnotists
- the Journal of Hypnotism and Hypno-Gram subscription
- An NGH Membership Card
- NGH Hypnosis Continuing Education Units
Receive training from the comfort of your own home, or in-person!
Hypnotherapy provides meaningful and rapid results to clients making the work extremely rewarding for the hypnotherapy practitioner. If you have the desire to help others and have ever considered starting your own business, our training program can get you started on this transformative new path today. Author of “Home at the Tree of Life”, Dr. Elena Gabor offers you this comprehensive certification program to get you fully trained and qualified as a hypnotherapist!

The certification training offers multiple options:
THE ONLINE PRE-RECORDED VERSION OF THE MULTI-CERTIFICATION TRAINING contains the entire course material in video, audio and PDF format, and dozens of case studies, hypnotherapy and regression audio and video sessions with clients. The online training could be studied anytime and students also receive the physical manuals, scripts, other materials and certificates. The in-person training is not mandatory if the online material is thoroughly studied and 8 hours of personal remote training and online practice is completed with Dr. Elena Gabor and her graduates via Zoom or Facetime.
THE LIVE via ZOOM VERSION OF THE MULTI-CERTIFICATION TRAINING is a 5 weekend training. The daily schedule is from 9 AM to 4 PM PST with 1 hour lunch break.
THE IN-PERSON TRAINING. Dr. Elena Gabor offers in-person training in Los Angeles, CA and in Europe. The Los Angeles office for the certification training is The Gardens, 2001 S. Barrington Ave., suite 204, Los Angeles, CA, 90025. At the moment, due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the training is not offered IN-PERSON, only ONLINE.
After completion of the ONLINE PRE-RECORDED TRAINING or THE LIVE via ZOOM VERSION OF THE CERTIFICATION TRAINING graduates become qualified to work with clients professionally with the below certificates:
Certificates GRANTED
at Graduation
- Certified Hypnotherapist / Certified Hypnotist
- Certified Medical Hypnosis Practitioner/ Certified Medical Hypnotherapist
- Certified Past Life Regression Practitioner/ Hypnotherapist
- Certified Life Beyond Life Regression Practitioner / Hypnotherapist
- Certified Guided Meditation Practitioner
Who can enroll
in the hypnotherapy certification program?

For those interested in the certification training, ANYONE with a high school diploma can register today!
The Certification training is educational and experiential, with tens of case studies, hypnotherapy and regression sessions with clients in audio and video format, video demonstrations and supervised practice on clients.
The certification training is taught in the U. S. in Los Angeles, as well as in Europe. View curriculum below.
Tuition fee
for full training and all training material
TUITION FEE for full training and all training material is $2,495. A $10,000 multi-certification program for only $2495!
It is tax-deductible. (US Treasury regulation 1.1625 permits an income tax deduction for educational expenses including registration fees, tuition, travel, meals and lodging for courses taken to improve or maintain skills required in employment or business.) The full tuition has to be payed before class. All course materials and certificates are included. For those interested, PayPal offers financing to customers with PayPal’s ‘Buy Now Pay Later‘ option.
People interested in PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY and LIFE BEYOND LIFE REGRESSION CERTIFICATION TRAINING ONLY or in MEDICAL HYPNOTHERAPY please email to Dr. Elena Gabor at drelenagabor@yahoo.com to discuss whether or not you have previous training in hypnosis/hypnotherapy, in order to determine the training program that would best fit you.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY and LIFE BEYOND LIFE REGRESSION TRAINING ONLY, for people who DO NOT HAVE TRAINING IN HYPNOSIS is also available. Online training module is included. Fee: $1700. Email dr. Gabor for schedule at drelenagabor@yahoo.com.
Upon successful completion of this internationally approved hypnosis/ hypnotherapy training of 100 Hours Education, you become a Certified Hypnotherapist/ Hypnotist/ Consulting Hypnotist and a Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).

- A personalized 11 x 14 Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy Certificate from the National Guild of Hypnotists
- Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Certificate from I.P.L.R.T.A
- Life Beyond Life Regression Certificate from I.P.L.R.T.A
- Medical Hypnosis Practitioner Certificate from I.P.L.R.T.A
- Guided Meditation Practitioner from I.P.L.R.T.A
The European students will also receive certificates in Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, Medical Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy and Life beyond Life Regression from the European Association of Medical Hypnotherapy and Subconscious Therapy (A.E.H.M.).
- Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Certificate from A.E.H.M
- Life Beyond Life Regression Certificate from A.E.H.M
- Medical Hypnosis Practitioner Certificate from A.E.H.M
- Guided Meditation Practitioner from A.E.H.M
Hypnosis Instructor
Dr. Elena Gabor
Dr. Elena Gabor is a certified Hypnosis Instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists, the president of International Past Life Regression Therapy Association (I.P.L.R.T.A) and the president of European Association of Medical Hypnotherapy and Subconscious Therapy (A.E.H.M).
Dr. Gabor is a hypnosis instructor for all three hypnosis organizations and the graduates receive training and certificates from all of these associations.
She is the author of “Home on the Tree of Life – An introduction to subconscious science” as well as of hypnotherapy, medical hypnotherapy and spiritual hypnotherapy manuals.
In addition to being a Certified Hypnosis Instructor, dr. Elena Gabor holds certifications in Hypnotherapy, Medical Hypnotherapy, Hypno-Coaching, Past Life Regression Therapy, Personal Development Coaching and is also a Personal Development Instructor / Trainer.
Dr. Gabor has 15 years experience in the field of hypnotherapy, working with clients and patients from all over the world and teaching certification programs in the United States and Europe.
Dr. Gabor has also taught medical hypnotherapy at the department of psychiatry at a medical university for students in medicine, medical residents and psychotherapists.
She is a DMD with European license and for the last 15 years has practiced hypnotherapy in California.
certification program
Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy
Part 1. Principles and Foundations of Hypnotherapy. How to Hypnotize
• Introduction to Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
• History of Hypnotism
• Principles of Hypnotherapy
• Legislation and Ethics
• The myths about hypnosis
• Introduction to Mind’s Levels of Consciousness, Brain Waves, Subconscious Science, Energetic Body, Mind-body Connection
• Studies about the Benefits of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy
• Self-hypnosis
• How to Hypnotize
Part 2. Hypnotherapy Session Structure
• Forms
• Interview and Assessment
• Goal Setting
• Preliminary Suggestibility Tests
• Audio Recording
• Induction and Deepening
• Transformational Hypnotherapy
• Optimization of Subconscious Beliefs (Suggestion Hypnosis)
• Post-hypnosis Counseling
Part 3. Suggestion Management. Introduction to Guided Imagery and Image Psychology
Part 4. Hypnotherapy for Stress Management and for Personal Growth:
• Positive Thinking
• Confidence
• Self-love and self-forgiveness
• Self-esteem and self-worth
Part 5. Hypnotherapy for Overcoming Fears. Case Studies and Practice.
• Fear of Water
• Fear of Flying
• Fear of Heights
• Fear of Public Speaking
• Stage Fright
Part 6. Habit Control
• Smoking Cessation
• Weight Management
Part 7. Introduction to Complementary Therapies used in Hypnosis
• Age Regression
• Age Progression
• Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
• Parts Therapy
• Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Spiritual hypnosis /hypnotherapy : past life regression therapy & analysis, life beyond life regression, future life progression, channeling
Part 8. Spiritual Hypnotherapy
• Past Life Regression Therapy and Analysis
• Life beyond life regression/ Afterlife exploration hypnosis
• Future life progression
• Mind-body Healing
• Channeling & Automatic Writing
Part 9. Introduction to Medical Hypnotherapy part 1
Hypnotherapy for overcoming:
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Nightmares
Hypnotherapy for:
• Pain Management
• Cancer Treatment Support
• Preparation for Surgery
• Post-surgical Recovery
Part 10. Introduction to Medical Hypnotherapy part 2:
• Anesthesia Management
• The Basis of Hypnosis for Fertility and Birthing.
• Hypnotherapy for Children
Part 11. Marketing
• How to build a hypnotherapy website
• How to create brochures and business cards
• How to set up the hypnotherapy practice
• How to make hypnosis audio recordings
• How to market online
Part 12. Group Sessions and Workshops. Case Studies and Practice. Graduation Celebration.
Optional reading

– “Many lives many masters” by dr. Brian Weiss
– “Home at Tree of Life” by dr. Elena Gabor
– “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise L. Hay
(the movie is available on www.youtube.com)
– “Journey of souls” by Michael Newton, PhD
– “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
– “Feeling good” by Dr. David Burns
– “Ask and it is given” by Abraham Hicks
If you would like to invite dr. Elena Gabor, hypnosis/ hypnotherapy trainer to teach certification programs in hypnotherapy, medical hypnotherapy and spiritual hypnotherapy to a minimum of 10 students at a specific location, please contact her.
Registration form
All rights reserved © 2008 -2024 Dr. Elena Gabor CMHt, CI