
Hypnosis subjects healed significantly faster from surgery (41% faster)
Two small studies by C. Ginandes and her colleagues have indicated that hypnosis helps the healing of broken bones and recovery from wounds after breast reduction surgery and significantly reduces the time it takes to heal.
Study 1: Carol Ginandes and professor D. Rosenthal, MD from Harvard Medical School published a report on Hypnosis to increase the mending of broken ankles. Ginandes hypnotized half of the patients once a week for 12 weeks while the other half received only normal treatment. “Those who where hypnotized healed faster than those who were not. 6 weeks after their fractures, those in the hypnosis group showed the equivalent of 8 1/2 weeks of healing.”   
Study 2: Three groups of people studied after breast reduction surgery. Hypnosis group healed “significantly faster” than supportive attention group and control group.
Dr. Gabor’s complementary program for healing/ post-surgical recovery includes Guided Imagery for healing, Interactive Guided Imagery,  Suggestion Hypnotherapy Medical Hypnotherapy and NLP, as powerful tools for healing. This program helps clients activate the inner mechanism of healing, use the power of the mind to heal the body. Dr. Gabor prepares the clients for a fast recovery by offering empowering suggestions to  the subconscious mind.  Some of the most important goals of hypnotherapy are to help clients return to a feeling of control, have a greater understanding of the mind-body connection, and become aware of the roles the conscious and subconscious thinking and belief systems play in healing and in creating our physiology.
“Hypnosis has been used in Western medicine for more than 150 years to treat everything from anxiety to pain, from easing the nausea of cancer chemotherapy to enhancing sports performance,” said researcher Carol Ginandes of Harvard Medical School. A list of applications she provides includes treatment of phobias, panic, low self-esteem, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, stress, smoking, colitis, warts, headaches, and high blood pressure. “All these functional uses may help a person feel better,” she continued. “I am also interested in using hypnosis to help people get better physically. That means using the mind to make structural changes in the body, to accelerate healing at the tissue level.”  [Harvard Medical School, Carol Ginandes and Union Institute in Cincinnati, Patricia Brooks, Harvard University Gazette. Online at http://www.hno.harvard.edu/gazette/2003/05.08/01-hypnosis.html.]         
Hypnosis Reduces Pain and Speeds up Recovery from Surgery
“Since 1992, we have used hypnosis routinely in more than 1400 patients undergoing surgery. We found that hypnosis used with patients as an adjunct to conscious sedation and local anesthesia was associated with improved intra-operative patient comfort, and with reduced anxiety, pain, intra-operative requirements for anxiolytic and analgesic drugs, optimal surgical conditions and a faster recovery of the patient. We reported our clinical experience and our fundamental research.” [Hypnosis and its application in surgery] Faymonville ME, Defechereux T, Joris J, Adant JP, Hamoir E, Meurisse M, Service d’Anesthesie-Reanimation, Universite de Liege, Rev Med Liege. 1998 Jul;53(7):414-8.


For more information, to schedule a private session or register for the certification programs please call dr. Elena Gabor at 310-614-9919 or email her at drelenagabor@yahoo.com. Read more about services…


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