
“The easiest way to break bad habits is through Hypnosis!– Newsweek Magazine  
One of the most common therapeutic uses of hypnosis is to help people quit smoking.  Scientific studies have demonstrated that hypnosis has been shown to be three times more effective than other methods of smoking cessation.  Hypnotherapy not only deals with the addiction of nicotine, but also optimizes the conscious and subconscious patterns of thinking related to smoking cigarettes, and stops the habit of smoking by breaking the links between the trigger activities associated with smoking cigarettes (drinking coffee or alcohol, stress, boredom, etc.)
Most Dr. Gabor’s smoking cessation clients needed only one hypnotherapy sessions to let go of the unhealthy habit of smoking cigarettes. Clients who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes/ day or have, in addition to smoking cigarettes,  other challenges such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, and so on, may require 2 or more sessions.
There have been many clinical trials comparing the effectiveness of hypnosis for smoking cessation to other methods.  The following are just a few:
According to the largest scientific study ever conducted, a meta-analysis combining statistical results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from the US and Europe comparing various methods of quitting smoking showed that on the average, hypnosis was over 3 times as effective as nicotine replacements and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone. (University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking)
A study of 71 smokers showed that after a two year follow-up, those who used hypnosis were twice as likely to remain smoke-free. (New Scientist, October, 1992 ,and also, Guided Health Imagery for Smoking Cessation an Long-Term Abstinence, Wynd, CA. Journal of Nursing Scholarship)

Many well-known actors have used hypnosis/hypnotherapy to quit smoking

Ellen Degeneres quit smoking using Hypnosis, live, on the “Ellen Show”.

A study of 93 men and 93 women using hypnosis for smoking cessation showed that three months after treatment 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported that they were smoke-free. ( Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Performance by Gender in a Stop-Smoking Program Combining Hypnosis and Avesion.)
A group of twenty-one smokers referred for smoking cessation by an HMO received hypnosis.  At the end of treatment 81% had stopped smoking and one year later 48% were still smoke free. (Elkins GR, Rajab MH, Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation: preliminary results of a three-session intervention)
In a study of 43 patients using hypnosis for tobacco abstinence, 39 remained smoke-free during follow-ups at 6 months to 3 years post-treatment.  This shows a 96% success rate with hypnosis. (University of Washington School of Medicine)
 Like nicotine patches and gum, stop smoking drugs work only on the physical cravings and have side effects.  They do nothing to change the belief system and behavior and it is recommended to supplement them with intensive behavioral therapy for long term success.
People smoke because, at some level, they believe that smoking cigarettes is good for them. Smoking is a mechanism of self destruction, and is the result of functioning from incorrect belief systems regarding cigarettes and smoking.
.Matt Damon declared in The Tonight Show in a conversation with Jay Leno: “It worked, I swear to God it worked.  It was the greatest decision I ever made in my life.”



Actors Anthony Hopkins, Drew Barrymore, Anthony LaPaglia, Winona Ryder, Aaron Eckhart, Ewan McGregor have used Hypnosis to quit smoking.  Also, rock star Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits and  singers Britney Spears and Billy Joel have used Hypnosis to get rid of the same bad habit.


For more information, to schedule a private session or register for the certification programs please call dr. Elena Gabor at 310-614-9919 or email her at drelenagabor@yahoo.com. Read more about services…


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